Titi Oyebade is a multifaceted and versatile worshipper who can lead worship in all genres of music including Christian, Contemporary Christian, Gospel, Contemporary worship, African Gospel, African Worship, and many others. She is a revivalist charged to prepare all saints of God for the second coming of Jesus, be a terror to the kingdom of darkness, and call forth the children of God out of darkness into his marvelous light. You can expect a level of prayer in Titi Oyebade’s ministry as she receives burdens for specific issues to be addressed by the power of the Holyghost and speaking in tongues.


There is a purpose for every being under heaven. When God created you, there is a specific problem he created you to be a solution for. If you need guidance in identifying this purpose, you can schedule a consultation to receive a no cost clarity session.

Speaking topics include, but not limited to the following.
  • Fulfilling Purpose 
  • Living by design
  • Courtship God’s way
  • Thriving relationships 
  • Living a life that pleases God 
  • Purity before Marriage


Marriage can be enjoyable when done God’s way. The lord desires to speak to his children about every area of their life, and making the decision of who to marry is not exempt. Titi mentors unmarried young adults in positioning themselves for marriage, and doing courtship God’s way.

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